I'm With The Band

Had the fortunate opportunity to go on the road for 3 days with Chris Laterzo and his band to shoot photo stills and video footage for a music project. Road trips rule! More, please.

Rebranding and Logo Design

Patch is a leading licensee and manufacturer of toys and games for toddlers through adults. Established in 1971, they have recently expanded their business to include playful home and electronic products. This assignment, exploring new logos and company names, was part of their rebranding effort. 

The first group of designs is an evolutionary approach to updating their logo by maintaining the patch stitching mnemonic but creating something more modern, playful and iconic.

The second group of designs address their expanding offering of products into different categories (toys, games, electronics, home goods). These patches are designed to differentiate these product categories, while maintaining a similar, recognizable brand aesthetic across those categories.

The third and fourth group of designs look at alternate company names.

web blog graphic-01.jpg

This work was done for Kidvertisers (New York City, NY).

logo designJessamine Sison
Print Advertising

Ad Campaign for Santa Monica Pier Lessees Association, to appear on a Santa Monica visitors guide map.

Jessamine Sison